WebGoat Password Reset 2

The lesson needs WebWolf to be completed, first thing to do is to fill the “Forgot password” form

You have to use your WebGoat username@<anything here>

And on WebWolf we have our “Forgot password” email

Go back to the “Account access” form, fill it with your email and the password from WebWolf mail client and the lesson is completed
WebGoat Password Reset 4

This lesson is about obtaining another user’s password

Let’s fill the recover password form with the given credentials

We now have our request on Burp
We know the usernames (tom,admin,larry) and the question is about the name of a color, so let’s try to brute force it with Burp Intruder

On intruder let’s select “Cluster Bomb” as we have to try every username with every color name (the ones I came up with)

The first payload list is the username one

In the second payload list just put some color names and then start the attack

After Intruder has finished the attaack, sort the responses by “Length” and straight away the username-password pairs show up
This concludes WebGoat Password Reset 2 4
I hope you liked it.
PVXs — https://twitter.com/pivixih