WebGoat JWT tokens 4 5

4 min readSep 24, 2020


WebGoat JWT tokens 4

WebGoat JWT tokens 4

By fiddling around with the webapp I gather that the Guest user is not allowed to vote, the other three users can vote

Reset votes button

Plus there is a reset vote button that, if pressed, it will tell us that it is a function available only to admins

Reset votes unavailable message

So let’s see what happens between browser and server

If you need to brush up a bit about JWTs, I recommend to go to https://jwt.io/introduction/

Tom user login

When logging in from Guest user to Tom, a JWT access token cookie is sent in the response

Reset votes button is pressed as Tom

When “Reset votes” is pressed, the browser sends the a POST request to the /WebGoat/JWT/votings endpoint and adds the JWT previously given in the request identifying the users as Tom thus the reset votes function does not execute

JWT token decoded on Burp Decoder

Let’s copy the JWT token to Burp Decoder in order to decode it from base64 by selecting each separate JWT sections and decoding them accordingly.
In the screenshot, you can see the payload section of the JWT ending in a strange way

Base64 padding added

This happens because base64 has “=” or “==” as padding at the end on an encoded string, so by adding the padding at the end of the payload the closing curly braces appears as expected

Change the header and payload values as shown here

  • alg -> None: No signature algorithm is present
  • admin -> true: the user requesting the action is an admin

This is referred online as a “JWT none attack”

Basically this means setting the algorithm for signing the JWT to “No algorithm”, if the underlying webapp or its parser allows “None” to be set as algorithm, the JWT token will be valid and no signature will be required

Reverting the new token to its Base64 encoding

Revert the clear text values to its Base64 JWT format by using Burp Decoder

First test, no luck

Get the request on Burp Repeater and substitute the “access_token” header value with the new one, but no luck, the token is not valid

Second test, lesson completed

Get rid of the equal signs from the base64 encoding, add a “.” to delimit the end of the JWT payload section and no signature section at all, and the lesson is completed

WebGoat JWT tokens 5

WebGoat JWT tokens 5

This lesson is about cracking a JWT token, first of all save the given token to a file

Then run HashCat against it — https://hashcat.net/

This is the command I have used

hashcat token.txt -m 16500 -a 3 -w 3 /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-words.txt

The command will leverage the power of HashCat to try to crack or brute force the JWT token, in the above command I am passing HashCat:

token.txt -> the token itself-m 16500 -> specifies the hash type as a JWT token-a 3 -> specifies brute forcing-w 3 -> specifies a high workload, the machine running HashCat might become unresponsive/usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-medium-words.txt -> this is a medium sized wordlist from SecLists — https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists
JWT token cracked

Then it is possible to use https://jwt.io/ to decode the original JWT token and, now that the key is known, craft a new token

Original JWT token decoded

Paste the original token in the left pane and get the decoded values on the right, then change the username to WebGoat

JWT token modified

Personally, just to be on the safe side, I changed the “sub”, “username” and “email” values

JWT token expiration value

Remember to change the expiration value as well, since the original token could be expired by the time the hash has been cracked, I just put “1601968004” instead of “1600968004”

Newly created JWT token

Copy the resulting JWT token to WebGoat and complete the lesson

This concludes WebGoat JWT token 4 5

I hope you liked it.

PVXs — https://twitter.com/pivixih




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